Industrial Marketing Management: News about Associate Editors for Academic-Practitioner Section


We are very pleased to announce our new Academic-Practitioner Section

Industrial Marketing Management aims to serve its managerial constituency by fostering academic-practitioner collaboration and by encouraging research projects that design specific solutions to managerial challenges. With the new Academic-Practitioner section, the journal invites manuscript submissions co-authored by academics and marketing managers. This type of manuscript addresses current topics in the area of industrial and business-to-business markets. The objective of academic-practitioner research is to develop managerially relevant and actionable insights using rigorous scientific methods.

Suitable manuscripts should report how specific marketing actions, processes, or systems were designed, implemented, and evaluated with regards to achieving specific outcomes. Academic-Practitioner manuscripts thus build pragmatic knowledge developed by engaging with real-life problems, challenges, or opportunities in the realm of industrial and business-to-business marketing. The journal will evaluate manuscripts submitted to the section based on pragmatic validity and practical relevance. In a forthcoming editorial, we will discuss in more depth this exciting new section.

Tobias Schäfers is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Department of Marketing at Copenhagen Business School. Before joining CBS in 2018, he was an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Technical University Dortmund. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2010 at EBS Business School in Wiesbaden. He is a member of the Editorial Review Boards of the Journal of Service Research and Industrial Marketing Management. His research focuses on the psychological aspects of individuals’ behavior in relation to services, prices, and digitalization, in both business-to-consumer and business-to-business contexts. He has published European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Service Research, Marketing Letters, and Psychology & Marketing.

With a Ph.D. from Eindhoven University of Technology, Michel van der Borgh is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Department of Marketing at Copenhagen Business School. He serves as Associate Editor at the European Journal of Marketing and is part of the review board of Industrial Marketing Management. His research focuses on the management of front-line employees and covers topics like new product selling, ambidexterity, solution sales, and servitization. He has published in British Journal of ManagementIndustrial Marketing ManagementJournal of Service Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of Product Innovation Management, among others.


The page was last edited by: Department of Marketing // 01/25/2024