CBS students in the CaseIT competition

3 students from the Bsc in Business Administration and Computer Science programme made it to 3rd place in the CaseIT competition at Simon Fraser University


Saturday February 3rd, a team of 3 students from the Bsc in Business Administration and Computer Science programme made it to 3rd place in the CaseIT competition at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

12 teams participated in the competition. CBS had sent the only overseas team while the others came from Canada and the US. The competition focuses on Business and IT cases as the name suggests, and it fits very well with the Bsc in Business Administration and Computer Science programme. The result qualifies CBS to send a team to next year's competition.

The team was accompanied by programme director, Jacob Nørbjerg, and was trained by Stephanie Wold Hadler from the International Office.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/13/2007