
  • 30.05.2014

    Visit by Velux Foundation Guest Professor Tom Bentley

    Tom Bentley, the platform’s Velux Foundation Guest Professor in 2013-2014, has already visited the platform several times before. Previously as keynote at the Collaboratory conference in 2012 and again in September 2013 in connection with his participation at the conference “How Public Design?” organised by our strategic partner MindLab.
  • 15.05.2014

    Platformmedlem Niels Thyge Thygesen i Center for Offentlig Innovations innovationspanel

    Platformmedlem og associate professor Niels Thyge Thygesen er blandt medlemmerne I Center for Offentlig Innovations innovationspanel. Parterne bag centeret udpegede ved dets åbning et innovationspanel af forskere og centrale praktikere. Panelets medlemmer har til opgave, hver for sig, i undergrupper og samlet, at bidrage til Center for Offentlig Innovations arbejde og opgaver, hvor det er relevant. Samtidig fungerer panelet som generel og overordnet inspirations- og sparringspartner.
  • 12.05.2014

    Inspirering visit by Anna Yeatman

    On May 6-8, 2014 Professor Anna Yeatman from the Whitlam Institute at the University of Western Sydney visited the CBS Public-Private Platform.
  • 12.05.2014

    Big Data at the Festival of Research

    On April 25 the Public-Private Platform and the Big Data Forum invited to an event on Big Data, in connection with the yearly national Festival of Research [Forskningens Døgn]. The room was filled to its capacity despite the early hour with an audience including civil servants, researchers, private sector employees and students, all present to discuss the question ‘How are different amounts of data in practice translated into analysis and visualisation, when many aren’t aware of the fact that they cannot control the digital traces they leave behind?’
