
CSR - more than just hot air?

At the beginning of this week, representatives from 16 European research institutions were gathered at Porcelænshaven to discuss the effect and value of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Best paper award to Lene Pries-Heje at CONFENIS 2010

At CONFENIS 2010 Lene Pries-Heje received a best paper award for the paper “Four different paradigms for process design when implementing standard Enterprise Systems”. As best paper from CONFENIS 2010 the paper has been invited for publication in the Enterprise Information Systems journal published by Taylor & Francis.

ICIC 2010

CBS var den 18.-20. august vært for en international konference om interkulturelt samarbejde. ICIC 2010 var velbesøgt med 100 deltagere fra 29 lande, primært forskere, men også repræsentanter for store internationale virksomheder.

Congratulations 3

Professor Majken Schultz receives grant from the Tuborg Foundation
