4th Copenhagen Supply Chain Management Summit 2012 at CBS

Theme: Value creation in global strategic partnerships With key note speaker: Professor Douglas M. Lambert, The Ohio State University, USA.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 - 15:00 to 19:30

The aim of the Summit is first and foremost to enhance the interaction between industry and academia by presenting new and relevant research in the field of Supply Chain Management and the latest practical supply chain strategies and solutions.

Furthermoren, the Summit provides the opportunity of networking and interaction between companies and present, former and future students of supply chain management.

Secondly, the Summit is the event where an award is given to the best SCM thesis of the year. The award amounts to 10.000 DKK and is sponsored by DB Schenker again this year. The criteria for winning the award are – in addition to academic excellence – the following:

  • Application oriented:

    Practical relevance and consideration of benefits and costs/investments for practice.

  • Professionalism:

    Excellent communication of problems, case, models, results, etc.

  • Value adding for SCM people:

    Ideas, methods and inspiration to SCM people in their daily life.

  • Innovative and risk taking:

    Identification of new problems; new angles to known stuff; combines old stuff into new models and theories. Goes beyond mainstream SCM theory.

  • Global perspectives:

    A global reach beyond a local phenomenon.

  • Support to companies in achieving increased competitiveness by leveraging their supply chain capabilities.

Register here: Registration is closed

See programme:

The Summit is organized as a collaborative arrangement between CBS’ MSc specialization in Supply Chain Management and DB Schenker:

The page was last edited by: Communications // 11/09/2012