Career Management for Executives

Alan Binau, CEO of AS3 Selnæs Executive, takes up the discussion about the top manager's own career

Thursday, October 25, 2007 - 16:00 to 18:00

Alan Binau, CEO of AS3 Selnæs Executive, takes up the discussion about the top manager's own career

  • Are we as top managers just as good at developing our own career, market value, personal brand and development, as we are at taking care of our employees’ career?

  • How can we control our career in a world with many changes coming from the outside?

  • How does a top manager balance the considerations and fulfillment of the company’s aims and own aims, including worklife balance?

Taking a starting point in the book “Executive challenge”, based on interviews with 300 top managers from the Nordic countries, and with reference to the common risk management term, Alan Binau will suggest how executives, who want to, can attend to their career in an optimal way. The book will be handed out to interested participants after the event.

The page was last edited by: Communications // 10/25/2007