CBDS seminar with Mr. Fabio Veras Soares

Cash transfers to the poor

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 - 09:30 to 11:00

Cash transfers to the poor: Creating welfare systems in developing countries?

Mr. Fabio Veras Soares

Coodinator of the "cash transfers and social protection" research agenda. United Nations Development Programme’s International Poverty Centre, Brasilia, Brazil

With the World Development Report 1990, the World Bank managed to put poverty reduction at the top of the international aid agenda. A three-pronged strategy was suggested: The first element had to do with economic growth and production, the second concerned social services, and the third – somewhat surprisingly – called for well-targeted transfers and safety nets. While sound in terms of the need, this proposal appeared somewhat unrealistic given the large number of poor people and the limited resources. Today, however, almost all Latin American countries have cash transfer programmes and similar programmes are spreading in Africa.Different aspects of the programmes are heavily discussed. Should governments attach conditions to the transfers requiring that beneficiaries, e.g., send their children to school? Do cash transfers prevent the poor from working? Would it be better to use the resources on infrastructure and the provision of social services? Despite such criticisms cash transfers hold significant potential in two ways if the necessary resources can be found and if appropriate management systems are in place. First, they directly target the poor meaning that they are likely to bring about immediate poverty reduction to a much larger extent than other development actions. Secondly, they are likely to strengthen social groups typically being thoroughly marginalised in political terms. Cash transfers to the poor may enable these people to play a more prominent political role thereby strengthening processes of democratisation from below.

Fabio Veras Soares is the coordinator of the cash transfers and social protection research agenda at UNDP’s International Poverty Centre, Brasilia. He has worked extensively on issues related to cash transfers in Latin America and Africa, safety nets, social and labour market policies, and the informal sector. He has recently co-edited an issue of Poverty in Focus dealing with the lessons learned from cash transfer programmes in Africa and Latin America.

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no later than Tuesday, 7 October 2008 at 12.00 noon.

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