EMP Workshop

Environmental Management and Environmental Regulation

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 09:30 to 17:30

U-Nexus Workshop on:

Experiences With Environmental Management and the Need for Creating Coherence in the Constitution of Environmental Regulation


09:30-09:45: Registration and coffee

09:45-10:00: Welcome, by Susse Georg, Professor & Head of Department, IOA, CBS

PART 1: The Rise of EMS: Experiences with the international appropriation of environmental regulation and environmental management systems, moderated by Eskild Holm Nielsen, Assoc. Prof., Aalborg University (AAU)

10:00-10:30: Government regulation or Voluntary approaches: A British/European perspective on the potentials of appropriation of environmental policy and regulation, by Frances Hines Research Manager, The Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability & Society (BRASS)

10:30-11:00: EMS in South East Asia: Why the attention and what’s the influence?, by Ulrik Joergensen, Assoc. Prof., Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

11:00-12:00: Comments and discussion

12:00-13:00: Lunch

PART 2: Facilitating EMS through partnerships, moderated by Soeren Jeppesen, CBS

13:00-13:15: Introductory remarks, by Soeren Jeppesen, Assoc. Professor, CBS

13:15-13:45: Facilitating EMS through networks and at local governments: The Swedish experiences, by Fredrik von Malmborg , Assoc. Professor, University of Linkoeping

13:45-14:15: Comments and discussion

14:15-14:45: The use of public-private partnerships – Green Networks in Denmark and Thailand, by Martin Lehmann, PhD Scholar, AAU

14:45-15:00: Comments and discussion

15:00-15:30: Break: coffee, tea and cake

PART 3: EMS: Impact on Innovation, moderated Ulrik Joergensen, DTU

15:30-16:00: EMS & Innovation: A South African perspective, by Brett Williams, CEO, Safetech, South Africa

16:00-16:30: EMS & Innovation: Thai experiences, by Erik H. Lauridsen, Asst. Prof., DTU

16:30-17:30: Discussion & concluding remarks, moderated by Susse Georg, IOA

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