Gender distribution of top executives in the local government sector

Thrine Nørgaard, Head of human resources, equal rights, and integration in the City of Aarhus, Lars Lundgaard, Partner in Lundgaard Konsulenterne, and Charlotte Dehlie, Head of human resources in the City of Copenhagen, pinpoint the gender distribution among top executives in the public sector.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 17:00 to 19:30

Thrine Nørgaard, Head of human resources, equal rights, and integration in the City of Aarhus, Lars Lundgaard, Partner in Lundgaard Konsulenterne, and Charlotte Dehlie, Head of human resources in the City of Copenhagen, pinpoint the gender distribution among top executives in the public sector.

When the amalgamation of municipalities in Denmark ended, 5 out of 98 chief executives of local authorities were women. We will discuss the development in that area. Who is next, when the first generation of executives retires after the reform? Who recruited the first executives – and who will be recruiting the next? Do headhunters and decision makers reflect the same segment? What criteria are used, and what is the procedure for finding successors? How are the top positions filled in connection with reforms that transform many small units into a few large units?

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