Guest lecture: A Danish Cooperation Programme in Bolivia

by Carmen Barragan, the Danish Embassy in Bolivia

Thursday, October 13, 2011 - 14:00 to 15:30

Carmen Barragan, A Danish Cooperation Programme in Bolivia 

In her talk, Carmen Barragan will present the results of a cooperation programme concerned with indigenous rights in Bolivia supported by Denmark. She will discuss issues such as the Danish strategy of cooperation, the results and impact of the indigenous peoples programme and the challenges of international cooperation. A short film will be part of the presentation.

Carmen Barragan has been the Programme support Officer for the Indigenous Rights Programme at the Danish Embassy in Bolivia since May 2007. Before that she worked with the World Food programme across Latin and Central America. Carmen Barragan holds a PhD in Urban Studies from the University of Quebec and a Master’s Degree in Economic Science from the same university.

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