imagine.. seminar

Policies for developing the design industry in the Nordic Region

Monday, April 24, 2006 - 14:00 to 15:30

imagine.. invites you to the seminar:

Policies for developing the design industry in the Nordic Region

- A report made for the Nordic Council of Ministers Department of Cultural Policy.

By Dominic Power and Johan Jansson, Uppsala University, and Mark Lorenzen, imagine.. CBS. Comments on the report by Magnus Christensson, Consultant, Danish Design Centre

Monday April 24, 14.00-15.30

Dominic Power, Johan Jansson and Mark Lorenzen will launch a new report that explores how the design industry in the Nordic countries can be helped and supported. The report addresses the problem and challenges that the business side of design face today. It analyses what sort of policies can be made to support what is an increasingly important industry and economic force. The report suggests that the Nordic region has the potential to be a world-leading centre for cutting edge design activities and presents policies aimed at helping us working towards this.

The report suggests that four initial areas of action should be high on our priority list:

  • Creating a common Nordic market for design.

  • Make the design industry operate across Nordic borders

  • Attract international talent and investments to the Nordic design industry

  • Build a global brand for Nordic design.

After an introduction to the main findings of the report the seminar will open up to a, hopefully lively, discussion on the future of the Nordic design industry and how we can support it. imagine.. invites designers, researchers, students and politicians to attend the seminar.

Dominic Power is an Associate Professor at Uppsala University and has written extensively on how regions and industries can better use design and culture to boost their competitiveness.

Johan Jansson is a Senior Research Fellow in Economic Geography at Uppsala University and has been involved in research into industries such as design, music, branding and internet services.

Mark Lorenzen is an Associate Professor at CBS and director of imagine.. and is working with creative industries, experience economy and the creative class.

To download the report, please scroll down and you will find the report attached.


14.00 - 14.40

Dominic Power, Johan Jansson and Mark Lorenzen: Presentation of the report

14.40 - 14.50

Magnus Christensson, Danish Design Centre

14.50 - 15.30


No registration is required

The page was last edited by: Communications // 04/04/2006