Impact of Sports on Society

Conference arranged by SMAC – Sports Management Center at CBS

Monday, June 11, 2007 - 09:00 to 15:30

Conference arranged by SMAC – Sports Management Center at CBS

Conference Background

Sport as an industry is a fast growing segment in today’s society. The impact of sports is daily revised and thereby expanded into new fields. The legacy of sport has a big impact on the major health challenges, branding companies, cities and countries and thereby impacting export and tourism.

CBS has decided to focus on the importance of sports on the society by establishing SMAC – Sports Management Center with the aim of analyzing these impacts from a business perspective. The objective of “Impact of Sports on Society” conference is to cover the new challenges within:

  • sports events & mega sports events

  • professional sports & leagues

  • mass sports - organized as well as unorganized

  • PE programs related to society, schools and elderly

Seen in relation to the economic impact, public health, branding and values.


We are proud to present a list of much acknowledged speakers and researchers. Amongst speakers are:

  • Professor Cand. Oecon, Kjeld Møller Pedersen from SDU.

  • Co-Founder and Managing Director, Simon Prahm from GAM3

  • Troels Troelsen, associate professor, SMAC- Sports Management Center, CBS.

Speakers in progress:

  • Mr. Jørgen Hansen, Projectmanager Rambøll Management A/S

  • Lars Lundov, Executive Director, Sports Foundation Denmark

  • Dr. Michael Green

Please see the full program here

Aim of the conference

The conference is organized from a research point of view to discuss the impact sports has on the society. The aim of the conference is to focus on the most important areas of sports impacts on society. Topics such as the impact of Olympic Games on Copenhagen, sports in relation to health programs, sports as an integrator, the Cost-Benefit-Complex of attracting Mega Sports Events. This will be done through consulting experts, scholars and government delegates, the conference will have a solid foundation to discuss the facts, opportunities which sports has on society.

The page was last edited by: Communications // 04/03/2007