Inaugural lecture

Inaugural lecture by Professor Tor Hernes

Friday, February 6, 2009 - 14:45 to 16:30

In January 2008 Tor Hernes came to Copenhagen Business School - Handelshøjskolen from the Norwegian School of Management in Oslo, where he worked as professor since 2003 and as Head of the Department of Innovation and Economic Organization from 2006.

Tor Hernes has now been appointed as professor of organization theory at the Department of Organization, CBS and will give his inaugural lecture titled: Suggestions for an Organization Theory Beyond Cartesian Anxiety and Process Romanticism.

The programme is as follows:


Welcome by rector Finn Junge-Jensen, CBS


Speech by HoD Peter Kjær, Department of Organization


Inauguration lecture by professor Tor Hernes



Further information contact:

Nikolaj Burmeister

Phone: 38 15 28 36

The page was last edited by: Communications // 01/16/2009