INO Research Seminar

Seminar by Paolo Boccardelli on critical success factors in the motion picture industry

Monday, April 21, 2008 - 15:00 to 16:15

Seminar by
Paolo Boccardelli, Luiss Guido Carli University

What is critical to success in the movie industry? A study on key success factors in the Italian motion picture industry


Heterogeneity in firm performance has been investigated with different perspectives. Starting from the original contribution of IO Economics, since the second half of the '80s, scholars have pointed out an increasing role of firm-specific factors. Amongst them, the role of human and relational capital as well as other knowledge-based resources are gaining increased attention. Accordingly, this is emphasized in creative industries where the relevance of intangible and experiential factors is one of the key issues to investigate competitive landscapes. Based on a research on 1074 movie projects produced in the Italian motion picture industry, this paper tries to investigate the role of key resources like human and relational capital on economic and artistic performance.

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