International public management scholars and PhDs assemble for workshop at CBS

On 9-11 May 2012, a group of international public management scholars and PhDs will convene at CBS.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - 09:00 to Friday, May 11, 2012 - 17:00

On 9-11 May 2012, a group of international public management scholars and PhDs will convene at CBS. This is for a CEMS PhD Workshop on Public Management and Governance (CEMS=Community of European Management Schools). Scholars present include Professor Michael Barzelay from London School of Economics, Professor Renate Meyer from WU-Wien and CBS, Professor Kuno Schedler fom St. Gallen University in Switzerland and Associate Professor Tamyko Ysa from ESADE Business School in Spain. Renate Meyer and Tamyko Ysa are both members of CBS Public-Private Platform advisory board. Ph.D students come from Switzerland, Spain, Denmark, and Austria. They will present projects on topics like outcome based management, public corporate governance, and public-private partnerships.

The Doctoral Workshop is arranged by the CEMS Interfaculty Group on Public Management and Governance which is chaired by Professor Carsten Greve from CBS.

For more information: Carsten Greve: cg.dbp@cbs or Rene Bharseghian at the CBS CEMS office

The page was last edited by: Communications // 10/24/2012