Lecture: Chinese Law - from traditions to shopping? - by Ditlev Tamm

By Ditlev Tamm, Professor of University of Copenhagen

Thursday, May 31, 2012 - 17:30 to 19:00

Ditlev Tamm, professor, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, author of numerous books and articles on Danish, European and global legal history, political biographies, culture, etc. Ditlev tame m has for many years been interested in China and Chinese culture and wrote the book "Good in the Stomach"(Danish titile "...ligger godt i maven" ) for S.C. Van, who founded Daloon and helped to introduce the spring roll into part of Danish culture.

The lecture will focus on the big changes what have happened in the Chinese legal system through the time since Confucianism and until today, where Confucianism is still important in a legal system, though it is strongly western-influenced in many aspects, but still stand as its own .

This lecture is free of charge. Please sign up before the lecture using the link below (last day for registration is May 30 2012:


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