New Insight on Firm Internationalization: A Growth Mixture Modeling

SMG Seminar with Bo Nielsen

Friday, November 9, 2007 - 12:00 to 13:00

Seminar Invitation - Center for Strategic Management and Globalization - with Bo Nielsen.

While the literature has recognized that companies follow different internationalization patterns, rarely have international growth trajectories been studied systematically on a large sample in a longitudinal setting. Based on multiple internationalization measures, we use latent class analysis to identify clusters of firms among the world's largest MNCs.

We further investigate internationalization patterns over time (1990-2005) by estimating growth trajectory shapes for each of these clusters. Next, we analyze the factors (antecedents) that determine (1) a firm's membership to a certain latent class, (2) the growth trajectory (internationalization pattern) of the classes, and (3) the within class variation among firms. Finally, we aim to explore the consequences of the different internationalization patterns on performance. This is work-in-progress and we look forward to discuss our preliminary findings with you.

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Center for Strategic Management and Globalization

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