RIPE Conference

RIPE Conference on Corporate Intellectual Property

Friday, December 7, 2007 - 09:43 to Sunday, December 9, 2007 - 09:43

RIPE Conference:

Corporate intellectual property: environmental constraints, strategic antecedents, and organizational routines as drivers of firm-level performance

Copenhagen, Denmark, December 7-8 2007

Conference Organizers:

Keld Laursen (Copenhagen Business School) and Markus Reitzig (London Business School)


The conference is held at: Hotel Scandic Copenhagen, Vester Søgade 6, 1601 Copenhagen, Denmark

The ability to appropriate the rents from innovative activity is a central element in gaining and sustaining competitive advantage in many industries. Generating and leveraging intellectual property (IP) is a central mechanism of appropriation in these industries. Yet, while the effects of intellectual property on industry behavior have been studied intensively, the linkage between firms. IP-related strategies/ organizational routines and firm-level performance remains to be fully understood. Unresolved questions for management scholars as of today include:

  • How important is IP value creation compared to IP value appropriation?

  • How large is the impact of firm-level strategies on corporate profitability above and beyond industry effects?

  • What are optimal combinations of (complementary) appropriation mechanisms to gain CA?

  • Which organizational capabilities are required to appropriate IP?

  • Finally, what role does IP really play in the markets for technology?

Recent empirical research has started to establish that managerial differences in using IP can be an important source of firm-level performance heterogeneity. Against this background, the RIPE 2007 Conference intends to map theoretical, empirical and methodological advances in the crossing point of strategic management and intellectual property research. The conference's paper sessions will be organized around the following themes:

  • Creation vs appropriation of IP

  • Business strategy and patent protection - how well are they aligned?

  • The appropriation mix - combining patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets

  • Hybrid business models - combining IP and open source

  • Organizational capabilities to leverage intellectual property

  • Alternative mechanisms to IP protection - confidentiality agreements and defensive publishing

  • The role of IP in markets for technology

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