Seminar on 17 October, 2011: Ana Ababus, Imperial College London

Strategic Relationships in Over-the-Counter Markets

Monday, October 17, 2011 - 13:15 to 14:15


This paper provides a theory of dynamic formation of relationships in over-the-

counter markets. I introduce a model where agents can overcome limited enforcement

problems and trade risky assets without collateral if they rely on a network of re-

lationships. A relationship between two traders enables them to condition current

and future terms of trade on information they have about past transactions. Two

forces drive agents.decision to form relationships. First, gathering information about

counterparties is costly. Second, if agents intermediate transactions between others,

they require compensation for it. A trade-o¤ between forming many relationships and

trading through intermediaries arises. Although all agents are ex-ante symmetric, in

equilibrium a central broker-dealer intermediates all the trade in the market.

Keywords: over-the-counter trading; contingent contracts; network formation;

JEL: C70; G21.

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