Seminar on India related research at CBS

- for all CBS faculty who are currently working on India, or are thinking of working on India

Monday, June 23, 2008 - 09:00 to 12:00

The Department of Informatics and the Asia Research Centre Invites you to a Seminar on India related research

A number of us at CBS have studied India from different perspectives, and some would like to continue working with India as an interesting test case of technological, cultural, civic, political and economic evolution from a largely agrarian country into an important player on the political-economic and technological stage.

Aim of the seminar:

  • First it gives us all a chance to share our interests with a common theme which would be India, with research interests being articulated in the broadest sense.

  • Second, it allows us to look for possible synergies among ourselves.

  • Third, it provides the foundation for building interest based thematic areas.

  • Fourth, it enables us to form a network for linking our theoretical ideas with the empirical work possible in India.

  • Fifth, it allows us to develop research proposals integrating competencies across CBS.

Contact Persons

Those interested in taking part in the half day India specific exercise please drop us a line no later than the 15 June 2008.

Research fellow, PhD
Sudhanshu Rai, Department of Informatics

Anthony D'Costa Asia Research Centre

Mogens Kühn Pedersen Department of Informatics

The page was last edited by: Communications // 10/17/2012