The Americas after George W. Bush

A panel debate by Center members

Wednesday, November 14, 2007 - 00:00

A presentation and panel discussion looking at both north and south America once President Bush’s successor takes office. What will she or he inherit? Will the US withdraw from Iraq? Will relationships with Europe and other countries across the world improve? And what about Latin America? Will US policy change? Will a more emollient administration in Washington encourage or undermine the continent’s ‘left turn’? The session seeks to offer some answers.

A panel consisting of Edward Ashbee, Niels Bjerre-Poulsen, Jan Gustafsson, Richard Millett and Carl Pedersen (all staff or associates of the Center) will take a first look at the challenges that the Americas will face once Bush leaves office. In addition to global challenges such as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the panel will discuss inter-American relations, trade and economic development, poverty, immigration, health care, the state of democracy, and other issues that are likely to dominate the political agendas in the U.S. and Latin America in the coming years.

Open to all. Registration deadline: November 12 to: Merete Borch:, 3815 3389

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