The Challenge of Corporate Social Responsibility

Appointment of Mette Morsing as Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility

Tuesday, September 18, 2007 - 15:00 to 17:00

Appointment of Mette Morsing as Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Copenhagen Business School has appointed Mette Morsing Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility. Mette Morsing will be associated with the Department of Intercultural Communication and Management.

To mark and celebrate the occasion, the Department of Intercultural Communication and Management hereby invites you to attend Mette Morsing’s inaugural lecture and reception.


15:00-15:10 Welcome by Finn Junge-Jensen, CBS President

15:10-16:00 Inaugural Lecture ‘The Challenge of Corporate Social Responsibility’ by Professor Mette Morsing

16:00-17:00 the Department of Intercultural Communication and Management hosts a reception in honour of Mette Morsing’s appointment.

Mette Morsing is Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility at Copenhagen Business School. Morsing holds a Ph.D. degree (Organization Theory) from CBS (1993), from where she also obtained her MSc in 1990. Morsing is the founding director of CBS Center for Corporate Responsibility (CRR) which, since 2001, has co-ordinated and facilitated CSR-related research and teaching at CBS and between CBS and other institutions inside and outside Denmark.

Morsing is a Vice-Chair of The Management Committee of The European Academy of Business in Society, which brings together practitioners and researchers on issues of CSR, ethics and stakeholder management, and includes such institutions as INSEAD, London Business School, Bocconi University, ESADE. Warwick Business School and Cranfield School of Management as well as Shell, IBM and Microsoft. She is also member of a number of European boards and scientific committees on CSR-related issues.

Morsing’s latest books are Corporate Social Responsibility, Palgrave 2006, an edited volume with Professor Andrew Kakabadse, Cranfield School of Management, and Corporate Communications: Conventions, Challenges and Complexity, to appear at Sage Fall 2007, with Lars Thøger Christensen, University of Southern Denmark, and George Cheney, University of Utah, US. Her work on corporate social responsibility, corporate communications, identity and management has been widely published in international books and journals such as Human Relations, Corporate Communications, Journal of Communication Management, Business Ethics, Corporate Reputation Review, Harvard Deusto-Business, Business Strategy Review - the latest journal articles are to appear in Corporate Governance and Journal of Marketing Communications. Morsing is currently working on an edited volume entitled Media, Organizations and Identity contracted by Palgrave with Professor Lilie Chouiliaraki, London School of Economics, and she is editing a special issue on ‘CSR in SMEs’ for Business Ethics: A European Review with Professor Francesco Perrini, Bocconi University, Italy. She is also leading the Nordic Center for Corporate Responsibility, a 3 year research project, funded by Novo Nordisk A/S.

The page was last edited by: Communications // 06/11/2007