The Future of Europe - the European Union and the Constitutional Treaty

Conference arranged by the European Commission Representation in Denmark, Forum Europe and CBP

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 - 14:00 to 17:00

The European Commission Representation in Denmark, Forum Europe and

International Center for Business and Politics invites you to at theme


The future of the Constitutional Treaty of the European Union has been

uncertain after the French and Dutch "no's"? On January 1st Germany

takes over the Presidency of the EU. What happens during the German

Presidency seems to be decisive for the fate of the Constitutional

Treaty. Some of the worlds leading experts have been invited to share

their view on the future of the Constitutional Treaty.


14:00 Opening by Fritz von Nordheim Nielsen, Head of the Commission's Representation in Denmark


14:10 Why a Constitutional Treaty?

Henning Christophersen, Forum Europe, former Commissioner and member of

the Convention


14:30 The Dutch perspective after the 'no' in the Netherlands

Gijs de Vries, Council of the EU, General Secretariat; former member of

the Convention.


14:50  Building Bridges: The German EU Presidency and the Constitutional Treaty

Dr. Andreas Maurer, Head of Research Unit I EU-Integration, German

Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)


15:30  Coffee break


15:50  From 'no' to 'yes' in France - and in Europe?

Professor Christian Lequesne, European Institute, London School of

Economics and Political Science


16:10 Questions and open debate

Moderator: Associate professor Peter Nedergaard, International Center

for Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School

Organised by:

The European Commission Representation in Denmark

Forum Europe

International Center for Business and Politics

The page was last edited by: Communications // 11/07/2006