The Use of Ex-host Country Nationals in Assignments to China/Asia Pacific

Lecture arranged by Asia Research Center with Professor Rosalie L. Tung

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 - 14:00 to 15:30

Many transitional and less developed countries have witnessed a brain drain as the best talents from these economies have left to pursue post-secondary or post-graduate education and/or career opportunities in the advanced countries. In recent years, however, in light of remarkable transformations in many of the transitional economies, an increasing number of former nationals from these countries have returned to their native countries to partake in the fruits of economic development there. These people are referred to as 'ex-host country nationals' (EHCNs).

Professor Rosalie L. Tung will presents the findings of a sample of EHCNs from China and Taiwan and talk abour the motivations for returning and the challenges they and their families encountered in living and working in their country of origin. Based on the findings of these studies, important implications, both theoretical and practical, are drawn for international human resource management and governmental policies and programs to curb or reverse brain drain from their respective countries.

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