Workshop on climate management

CBS-CSB is in collaboration with Grontmiij Car Bro, arranging a workshop regarding climate management intended for business and municipal executives. How do you picture your organisation and the surrounding world in 2020 and 2050? Which steps should you, as an executive, take to create a sustainable organisation? How will you provide increased sustainability in your 'supply chain'? These are some of the questions we will seek the answers to in Grontmiij Carl Bro's future-workshop at CBS.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - 12:00 to 17:00

There are still increasing demands to the social and environmental behaviour of businesses and municipalities. It is expected, that both public and private businesses are in control of their impact on the environment and can act sustainably in a world undergoing significant changes due to climate changes. This calls for managements being able to navigate in new ways, to ensure that said business / municipal remains appealing also in the future.

During the workshop, we will arm the management in private as well as public businesses with the ability to introduce climate management in their organisations. Furthermore we will provide them with practical examples, knowledge and tools within the field of climate management.

Target group

The workshop is for middle and senior executives, who either works actively, or wishes to work actively with introducing climate management into their organisation, as well as researchers, experts and NGO's who are currently working with climate management.

As a participant, you will gain knowledge and tools for working with climate management through a series of future-scenarios. You will be presented with good examples and inspiration for your own work with climate management. In the process, you will have the opportunity to discuss the different aspects of climate management with some of Denmarks leading experts, as well as meeting like-minded people, who is also in the process of 'climate managing' their organisations.

At the end of the day, we will collect ideas and visions in order to give you the best recommendations for climate actions.



Registration and light refreshments


Welcome to the workshop



Professor Peter Møllgaard, Økonomisk Institut, CBS

The senior executive dilemma: Future scenarios that challange the basis for our decision making

Adm. direktør Birgit W. Nørgaard, Grontmij | Carl Bro

scenarios and megatrends as a senior executive tool

Direktør Johan Peter Paludan, Institut for Fremtidsforskning

Introduction to the workshop


Researching the sustainable business

Visit the sustainable business: "How did you make it happen?" - "What were the challenges?"

Rum 1

How did you create a domino effect with the suppliers by demanding sustainability?

Direktør Thomas Færgeman, Tænketanken CONCITO

Professor Peter Møllgaard, Økonomisk Institut, CBS

Rum 2

How did you create sustainability throughout the value chain?

Direktør for Bæredygtig Udvikling Claus Stig Pedersen, Novozymes

Direktør Jørgen Abildgaard, Pöyry Energy Management Consulting

Rum 3

How did you succeed in getting the emplyees onboard?

Kommunikationsdirektør John Finnich Pedersen, Siemens

Professor Susse Georg, Institut for Organisation, CBS


"exhibition preview"


Researching the municipal decision-making process.

Visit the sustainable municipal, where the business is located: "How did you make it happen?" - "What were the challenges?"

Rum 1

How did you create a municipal with sustainable housings?

Forskningschef Niels-Jørgen Aagaard, Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut

Sekretariatschef Göran Wilke, Elsparefonden

Rum 2

How did you succeed in getting the citizens onboard?

Klima- og energimedarbejder Søren Dyck-Madsen, Det Økologiske Råd

Lektor Helle Zinner Henriksen, CBS

Rum 3

How did you succeed in creating solide partnerships between private and public partners?

Koncerndirektør Lars Bonde, TrygVesta

Professor Susse Georg, Institut for Organisation, CBS


"exhibition preview"


Open discussion and closing

Divisionsdirektør Hans-Martin Friis Møller, Grontmij | Carl Bro


Only for invited people. Inquiries should be adressed to Ditte Andersen

The page was last edited by: Communications // 10/06/2009