
Department of Marketing


Room: SOL/C3.18

I am Programme Director for the M.Sc. concentration in Economics and Marketing (EMF), Chairman of the Northern European Scientific Committee for the ESCP-EAP International Congress Marketing Trends, Editor-in-Chief - Journal of Marketing Trends Northern Europe, and Editor-in-Chief – The Consumer Behaviour Newsletter.

By giving more than 400 speeches and media interviews, by serving as chairman for the Danish Money and Pension Panel (2007-2009, appointed by the Minister for Economic and Business Affairs), by serving as member of the Danish Food Think Tank (2014-2015, appointed by the Minister for Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries), by serving as a member of the Marketing Law Revision Committee (2014-2016, appointed by the Minister for Business and Growth), by serving as a member of the Expert Advisory Board for Madkulturen  (2019-), by working as a consultant for numerous companies, and by collaborating with several private organizations and public authorities (examples include The Danish Chamber of Commerce, The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, The Confederation of Danish Industry, The Danish Bankers Association, The Danish Shareholders Organization, The Food Culture Institute (Madkulturen), The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority, and The Danish Consumer Council) I have strongly contributed to society and challenged practitioners.

As a result of such efforts, I am very well connected in many company arenas and private/public organizations.

Primary research areas
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Marketing Research Methods (Applied Statistics)
Social media
Link to this homepage
  • Forbrugeradfærd (cand.merc.)
  • Markedsanalyse (cand.merc.)
  • Applied Statistics (cand.merc.)
  • Master theses
  • PhD theses
Selected publications
  • Hansen, Torben (2020) Media Framing of Copenhagen Tourism : A New Approach to Public Opinion about Tourists, Annals of Tourism Research, 84(9), 13 pages.
  • Hansen, Torben & Thyra Uth Thomsen, Understanding influences on consumers’ dietary stress in healthy food buying, European Journal of Marketing, forthcoming.
  • Kotler, Philip, Kevin L. Keller, Mairead Brady, Malcolm Goodman & Torben Hansen (2009, 2012, 2016, 2019), Marketing Management – first, second, third, and fourth European Editions, Pearson - Prentice Hall.
  • Hansen, Torben & Thyra Uth Thomsen (2018), The Influence of Consumers’ Interest in Healthy Eating, Definitions of Healthy Eating, and Personal Values on Perceived Dietary Quality, Food Policy, 80, 55-67.
  • Hansen, Torben, Maria Ingerslev Sørensen & Marie-Louise Riwerts Eriksen (2018), How the Interplay between Consumer Motivations and Values Influences Organic Food Identity and Behavior, Food Policy, 74(1) 39-52.
  • Hansen, Torben & Thyra Uth Thomsen (2013), How Learned Helplessness Moderates the Knowledge Calibration-Dietary Choice Quality Relationship, Psychology & Marketing, 30(11), 1008-1028.
  • Hansen, Torben (2012), Understanding Trust in Financial Services: The Influence of Financial Healthiness, Knowledge, and Satisfaction, Journal of Service Research, 15(3), 280-295.
  • Hansen, Torben (2012), The Moderating Influence of Broad-scope Trust on Customer-Seller Relationships, Psychology & Marketing, 29(5), 350-364.
  • Hansen, Torben & Jan Møller Jensen (2009), Shopping orientation and online clothing purchases: the role of gender and purchase situation, European Journal of Marketing, special issue on e-retailing and e-shopping, 43(9/10), 1154-1170.
  • Hansen, Torben & Hans Stubbe Solgaard (2004), New Perspectives on Retailing and Store Patronage Behavior – A Study of the Interface Between Retailers and Consumers, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 122 pages.
Publications sorted by:
Torben Hansen; Stephan Olk; Thyra Uth Thomsen / A Meta-analysis of Sustainable Tourist Behavioral Intention and the Moderation Effects of National Culture
In: Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Vol. 32, No. 5, 5.2024, p. 883-903
Journal article > peer review
Torben Hansen / Betragtninger om differentieret moms på fødevarer
In: Nyhedsbrevet om Forbrugeradfærd, No. 41, 2024, p. 2-7
Torben Hansen / Indulging in Tempting Yet Unhealthy Delights : Exploring the Moderating Influence of Gender and Motivation for Healthy and Sustainable Eating.
In: Sustainability, Vol. 16, No. 21, 11.2024
Journal article > peer review
Philip Kotler; Kevin Lane Keller; Mairead Brady; Malcolm Goodman; Torben Hansen / Marketing Management
5.ed.Harlow : Pearson Education 2024, 771 p.
Book > peer review
Heidi Boye; Torben Hansen / Providing Societal Value : A Holistic Perspective.
In: How to Achieve Societal Impact Through Engaged and Collaborative Scholarship: A Guide to Purposeful Marketing Research. . ed. /Michel van der Borgh; Adam Lindgreen; Tobias Schäfers. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, p. 334-346 (How To Guides)
Book chapter > peer review
Torben Hansen / The Interplay Between Consumer Financial Trust and Interpersonal Trust
Abstract from 11th Annual International Conference on Business, Law & Economics, 2024
Conference abstract for conference > peer review
Torben Hansen / The MSc Program in Economics and Marketing and the Nordic Nine Learning Objectives
In: Business Education in the 21st Century: Developing Discipline Competences and Transformation Capabilities. . ed. /Adam Lindgreen; Eleri Rosier; Antonia Erz; Ben Marder; Sylvia von Wallpach. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, p. 327–336
Book chapter > peer review
Torben Hansen / Understanding Consumer Financial Trust Across National Levels of Interpersonal Trust
Paper presented at The 23rd International Marketing Trends Conference. IMTC 2024, 2024
Paper > peer review
Torben Hansen; Thyra Uth Thomsen / Consumer Food Well-being and Perceived Dietary Quality : Exploring the Impact of Consumer Interest in Healthy Eating, Definitions of Healthy Eating, and Personal Values.
In: Nyhedsbrevet om Forbrugeradfærd, No. 40, 2023, p. 2-7
Journal article
Torben Hansen / Giving in to Unhealthy but Delicious Food Temptations
In: 10th Annual International Conference on Business, Law & Economics, 1-4 May 2023, Athens, Greece: Abstract Book. . ed. /David Frenkel; Olga Gkounta. Athens : The Athens Institute for Education and Research 2023, 1 p., p. 42
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
More results... (total 172 results)
Outside activities

• Since 2019, Member of the expert advisory committee for Madkulturen (The Danish Food Culture Institute).
• Co-author on the European edition of text book Marketing Mangement; Pearson Prentice-Hall.