
Department of Management, Society and Communication

Associate professor

Room: DH.V.2.60

My current research focusses on the EU, its integration process and the use of the concept of empire. In particular, I compare the EU with the Byzantine Empire and the Holy Roman Empire. I am also very much interested in the UE's staff policy, in particular around the issue of geographical balance and the theory of representative bureaucracy. Finally, I'm very interested in the UE's multilingualism policy.

Primary research areas
  • European Union
  • European empires
  • Geographical Balance (EU)
  • Multilingualism policy (EU)
Curriculum Vitae
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Regional integration and the European Union (BSc. IBP)


I am happy to supervise projects on the EU.

Selected publications
  • Guest editor with Noel Parker, "Imperial power and the organization of space in Europe and North America", special issue of the Journal of Political Power, 2011, 4 (3).
  • "Empire vs. federation: which path for Europe?", Journal of Political Power, 2011, 4 (3): 413-431.
  • « Fonction publique et multilinguisme: l'administration européenne au miroir de sa population », François-Gilles Le Theulle and Julie Leprêtre (eds.), La fonction publique européenne, Strasbourg, Collection "Concours Union européenne", 2012, 2nd edition, p. 97-118.
  • Co-authored with Lita Lundquist, 2011 “Getting ready for a New Tower of Babel”, Anne Lise Kjær and Silvia Adamo (eds.), Linguistic Diversity and European Democracy, Ashgate, 75-96.
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In the media

Fabrice Andreone; Magali Gravier / Entre équilibre géographique et diversité : Émergence d’un nouveau paradigme de bureaucratie représentative dans la fonction publique communautaire.
In: Revue de l'Union européenne, No. 680, 7.2024, p. 427-438
Journal article
Fabrice Andreone; Magali Gravier / Les agents contractuels : Une ressource stratégique dans la politique du personnel de la Commission européenne.
In: Revue de l'Union européenne, No. 675, 2.2024, p. 87-100
Journal article
Zuzana Murdoch; Magali Gravier; Stefan Gänzle / International Public Administration on the Tip of the Tongue : Language as a Feature of Representative Bureaucracy in the Economic Community of West African States.
In: International Review of Administrative Sciences, Vol. 88, No. 4, 12.2022, p. 1086-1104
Journal article > peer review
Fabrice Andreone; Magali Gravier / Représentation bureaucratique et politique linguistique de l'Union européenne
In: Revue de l'Union européenne, No. 650, 7.2021, p. 421-431
Journal article
Magali Gravier / Petits arrangements avec l’Empire : Reflections on Imperial Power at Its Fringes.
In: Resisting Europe: Practices of Contestation in the Mediterranean Middle East. . ed. /Raffaella A. Del Sarto; Simone Tholens. Ann Arbor, MI : University of Michigan Press 2020, p. 25-46
Book chapter > peer review
Magali Gravier; Camille Roth / Bureaucratic Representation and the Rejection Hypothesis : A Longitudinal Study of the European Commission's Staff Composition (1980–2013).
In: Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Vol. 30, No. 1, 1.2020, p. 4-21
Journal article > peer review
Magali Gravier / Jean-Claude Barbier (dir.). Un retour des nations en Europe ? Réflexions sur la crise politique de l’Union européenne
In: Politique européenne, Vol. 70, No. 4, 10.2020, p. 194-197
Book review > peer review
Lita Lundquist; Magali Gravier / You Have Got to Be Joking! : A Study of Humour in the Political Context of the European Parliament.
In: Humor, Education and Art / El humor, la educación y el arte. ed. /Jacqueline Benavides Delgado. Bogota : Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia 2019, p. 99-128
Book chapter
Magali Gravier / Plaidoyer pour l’analyse qualitative en sciences sociales
In: Revue Francaise de Science Politique, Vol. 68, No. 4, 2018, p. 724-727
Book review
Magali Gravier / Field Research in Political Science Practices and Principles
In: Revue Francaise de Science Politique, Vol. 67, No. 4, 2017, p. 774-775
Book review > peer review
More results... (total 36 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities

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Danish Association for European Studies (DSE-ECSA) 2021 - Board member