MPA program announces new exchange partner
Each Summer, students from the MPA program have the opportunity to participate in Summer School at different foreign universities, e.g. The University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, Edinburgh Business School, Scotland and Herriot Watt University, England. This week the MPA program at CBS and the MPA program at the School of Public Management and Planning of Stellenbosch University have agreed upon an exchange agreement.
The new exchange agreement
This new exchange agreement means that MPA students and faculty from StellenboschUniversity can participate in the International Summer School arranged by CBS and other events at CBS. Likewise, the Danish MPA students can participate in one or more courses at the Stellenbosch MPA program and other events at Stellenbosch.
Next week, J.C. Ry Nielsen, Director of Foreign Relations, expects to enter yet more exchange agreements with The University of Warwick, University of the West of England (UWE) and The School of Public Policy at University of Birmingham.