Good, better, international

CBS is now offering five bachelor programmes


The continuous larger focus on the international society, the heavy information flow, and the increasing global trade make new and different demands on the study programmes that the universities are going to offer in future.

From September 2005 the most lucky students can start the new English-taught study programme

Bachelor in International Business and Politics just as the well-known study programme BSc in Business, Language and Culture (SPRØK) will be taught in English only.

Important, strategic goals

"CBS considers it an important, strategic part of the internationalisation process to be an attractive supplier of study programmes aimed not only at foreign students but also at the increasing number of Danish students who wants to improve their professional qualifications by completing a university education in English", says Dean Ole Stenvinkel Nilsson, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

Dressed for the international market

There are many acknowledged business schools all over the world, and the competition is tough. In order to match the requirements and to meet the market demands, it is the goal of CBS to deliver study programmes of a very high international quality. A broad range of English-taught study programmes is a condition if you want to attract foreign students. At the same time, the Danish students have to get dressed to act on the international labour market - a market that increasingly becomes more and more mobile.

CBS is the largest supplier of English-taught study programmes in Denmark.

CBS offers five study programmes on bachelor level:

  • BSc in International Business

  • BSc in International Business and Politics

  • BSc in Business Administration and Service Management

  • BSc in Business, Language and Culture (SPRØK)

  • Asian Studies Programme

In addition to this, CBS offers ten English-taught graduate programmes, six English-taught master programmes, an international summer university and a large amount of English-taught electives. Thus, CBS is the largest supplier of English-taught study programmes in Denmark.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 04/28/2005