New courses for publishers

From fall 2005 CBS offers courses in publishing


From fall 2005 CBS offers courses in publishing

Skills in publishing – that is what you can now achieve through 10-12 courses at CBS. Behind the courses is translator and lecturer Thomas Haarder, who is also Adjunct Professor at CBS. He points to the fact that competencies such as quality control, processing and marketing are lacking in some publishing companies. The plan is that CBS already in 2006 will offer a master’s degree within publishing (Michael Jannerup Andersen, Berlingske Tidende, 5 July 2005, Magasin p 4).

The first course, which is taught in Danish, starts in the fall of 2005 where Thomas Haarder and Lene Ewald Hesel will teach in editorial quality control in practice.


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 07/19/2005