Networks and Institutions – Five guest lectures

SCANCOR (Scandinavian Consortium on Organizational Research) workshop on Institutions and Networks


The latest developments in Economic Sociology – five guest lectures provide their key insights in a series of talks during the week Sept 19-23, starting:

  • Monday September 19th – Professor Walter W. Powell, Stanford University: “Networks and Institutions: Linking Network Dynamics and Institutional Diversity to Explain Organizational Change”, at the

    Center for Business and Politics, Steen Blichersvej 22.

  • Tuesday September 20th – Lecturer Gili Drori, Stanford University: “Governed by Governance: The Institutionalization of Governance as a Prism for Organizational Change” at Dalgas Have SØ052.

  • Wednesday September 21st – Professor Steve Barley, Stanford University: “Gurus, Hired Guns, and Warm Bodies,” at Dept of Organization and Industrial Sociology, Solbjerg Plads 3, 3rd floor, Riddersalen.

  • Thursday September 22nd – Professor Frank Dobbin, Harvard University: “Civil Rights Institutions and the Integration of the Workplace” at Dept of Organization and Industrial Sociology, Solbjerg Plads 3, 3rd floor, Riddersalen.

  • Friday September 23rd – Professor Marc Schneiberg, Reed College: “Institutional Dynamics and Organizational Form Mutual, Cooperative and State Enterprise in the ‘Liberal’ American Economy” at the

    Center for Business and Politics, Steen Blichersvej 22.

The lectures are offered as part of the international Ph.D. course on ‘Institutions and Networks’ developed by colleagues at Stanford University and the Scandinavian Research Consortium on Organizational Research (

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/15/2005