Social Entrepreneurship

New elective is to lift volunteer organisations


New elective is to lift volunteer organisations

More and more social tasks, which the state is not able to handle, are to a high degree managed by volunteer organisations. It is e.g. tasks as aid, support to refugees, development aid, social care, adult friends for children, visiting friends for the elderly, and contact families for refugees. Now CBS enters this globally growing area and offers the elective Social Entrepreneurship. To start, build up, and lead the elective, CBS has headhunted Dr Kai Hockerts from INSEAD.

CBS will lift the social area

“Since we are a growing workplace for business economics and an important player in the development of the business community, the social area is important. And CBS can lift the social area importantly by providing students with management tools that can be used in a sector with a bottom line that is more complex than ordinary companies,” says Sven Bislev, Director of CBS Undergraduate.

The elective Social Entrepreneurship is completely new in Denmark and is offered for the first time in Spring 2006.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/10/2005