Future sponsorships
CBS in new collaboration on Ph. D. – course
It is not uncommon to see company names on the auditorium doors at CBS. However it is something entirely new to see the sponsoring of Ph.D. courses in which both Ph.D. students and representatives of the sponsoring company participate.
Tine Jensen, from TDC says: “We want to be an attractive and knowledgeable co-player to the Ph.D.- students, because we will be recruiting from this university environment in the future. So we would like to improve our knowledge by participating and thereby raising our own theoretical level of discussion. Meanwhile we contribute with our practical knowledge from working at TDC.”
The course headline is “Critical Organization Studies: Conceptualizing Movement Process and Organizing with Robert Cooper”. Apart from Professor Robert Cooper from University of Keele, England, Pia Bramming and Bent Meier-Sørensen from CBS as well as Christine M. Cleemann from A.P. Møller-Mærsk all participate in the course, which starts on Monday, Oct. 9th..
14 Ph.D students, 6 of them from CBS, as well as 4 employees of TDC participate when everyone gathers for the three-day course.