Political Economy of Institutional Change I-IV

CBP offers a series of Doctoral Development Courses of high interantional standard


During the early summer 2007, the
(CBP) will host a series of four doctoral development courses based around the theme ‘Political Economy of Institutional Change’. The courses bring together a number of world-class scholars in the fields of political economy, organizational sociology, and comparative politics to maximize interdisciplinary insight.

The faculty for the courses includes:
John L. Campbell (Dartmouth/CBP);
Mark Blyth (Johns Hopkins/CBP);
Francesco Duina (Bates/CBP);
Edgar Kiser (Washington);
Peer Hull Kristensen (CBP);
Ian Marsh (Sydney);
Ove K. Pedersen (CBP);
Charles Sabel (Columbia/CBP);
Leonard Seabrooke (CBP);
Sven Steinmo (European University Institute); and
Josh Whitford (Columbia).

PhD students can choose to take all four courses or select those preferred.

For further information about the courses, dates and faculty, see

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/03/2007