Political Economy of Institutional Change I-IV
During the early summer 2007, the
(CBP) will host a series of four doctoral development courses based around the theme ‘Political Economy of Institutional Change’. The courses bring together a number of world-class scholars in the fields of political economy, organizational sociology, and comparative politics to maximize interdisciplinary insight.
The faculty for the courses includes:
John L. Campbell (Dartmouth/CBP);
Mark Blyth (Johns Hopkins/CBP);
Francesco Duina (Bates/CBP);
Edgar Kiser (Washington);
Peer Hull Kristensen (CBP);
Ian Marsh (Sydney);
Ove K. Pedersen (CBP);
Charles Sabel (Columbia/CBP);
Leonard Seabrooke (CBP);
Sven Steinmo (European University Institute); and
Josh Whitford (Columbia).
PhD students can choose to take all four courses or select those preferred.
For further information about the courses, dates and faculty, see