Article by Len Seabrooke

published by Political Studies Review


Political Studies Review, one of the journals affiliated with the Political Studies Association (UK), has just published Len Seabrooke’s piece titled ‘Institutional Change and the Social Sources of American Economic Empire: Beyond Stylised Facts’ in Volume 5, Number 1 (2007), pages 11-24.

At a time when international relations and political science is populated by critiques of US empire, this article submits that understanding the 'economic taproot' of US power is essential in exposing its enduring character and weaknesses. The three volumes commented on present some of the very best political economy and economic sociology scholarship on change within the US economy, as well as US-led changes in the international political economy. This review article seeks to identify the key contributions made by these works and how they improve our understanding of institutional change within the US economy.

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The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 01/26/2007