Social science for the future

New white paper on the future of social science


New white paper on the future of social science.

In a new white paper the Danish Council for Technology and Innovation sets up five criteria for how Danish social science can maintain a high international level. Today Danish social science gets good grades within a wide range of research areas but this position cannot be taken for granted, a press release from Danish Council for Technology and Innovation claims.

Maintaining a high international standard requires a special effort due to less and less financial support to social science degrees. Danish Council for Technology and Innovation has drawn up five visions that ensure the contribution of social science to social, economical and cultural areas of development in society,

  • Delivering honest and relevant knowledge to decision makers

  • Providing a good basis for education of the parties involved in problems of economical, political and other societal character.

  • Continuously havinga high scientific standard as well as being an active and well integrated part of international research

  • Developing better quantitative and qualitative research methods

  • Actively collaborate with different parts of society in order to create dialogue on research

See white paper on

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