Copenhagen Lectures

New international lecture series at CBS


New international lecture series at CBS

Center for Business and Politics at Copenhagen Business School is the initiator of a series of international lectures – Copenhagen Lectures. From now on every year the centre will invite one of the world’s leading scientists to lecture in CBS’ auditoria on business and politics, including both theory development and empirical analysis. The researchers will give their personal opinion on what is “state of the art” within certain areas of research.

Professor Jack Knight from Washington University, St. Louis who will be lecturing twice on April, will be the first to lecture in the series.

The purpose of Copenhagen Lectures is to gather the internationally most acclaimed researchers on politology, sociology, economics and history in order to present, discuss and further development within these areas.

Read more about the lectures here

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/02/2009