Podcast of Second Wave of Corporate Branding

M. Schultz’s seminar


Today building a distinct and coherent Corporate Brand is an aspiration for many companies. In the past, branding has often been seen as a marketing and campaign activity delivering brand promises through extensive Big Bang campaigns.

Professor Majken Schultz, Associate Dean Aull time MBA & Professor of Intercultural Communication, Copenhagen Business School, recently argued that this approach is no longer effective because it underestimates the challenges of embedding the brand in the organization's culture and relationships, and fails to ensure that those making brand promises are accountable to those responsible for brand delivery.

These were some of the questions that were raised by Professor Majken Schultz during a web seminar which took place online on 12 June 2007.

  • What is Corporate Branding? Why is the traditional marketing definition of Corporate Branding not enough?

  • How is the second wave of Corporate Branding different?

  • What does it mean that Corporate Branding becomes strategy?

Listen to podcast

To listen to a podcast of the presentation and the discussion afterward, please click on this link.

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The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 06/15/2007