A historical moment
Largest SASE conference ever
How did we manage to combine relatively high economical growth with maintaining the welfare state? This is one of the subjects being discussed at this year’s SASE conference held at CBS. The conference focuses on globalization and its affect on various economical models around the world and for the first time it attracted more than 500 people.
Did not believe it
- We are having the conference at a very special time in history. During the past 15 years the Nordic model has shown that it is possible to create economical growth while developing the welfare state. Some people did not believe this possible in the 80’ies, says Professor Ove K. Petersen from International Center for Business and Politics, the host and co-organizer of this year’s conference.
Very different means reach the same goal
Ove K. Petersen states that the four Nordic countries are on the top-five list of most competitive and richest countries in the world at the moment.
- It is interesting that two such different models as the American and the Nordic one can achieve more or less the same result, says Ove K. Petersen.
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) is an international organization, with members in more than 50 countries, spread over five continents. The annual SASE conference on socio-economics is held for in Denmark in 2007 the first time. International Center for Business and Politics at CBS is organizing this year’s conference.