CBS ranked number six in Europe
Ranking of MBA programmes by Aspen Institute
Number six in Europe and number 22 overall, when the universities are compared on research. This is the CBS-result of the Aspen Institute - Ranking of MBA programmes, which has just been released.
The purpose of the bi-annual ranking is to spotlight innovative full-time MBA programmes that are integrating issues of social and environmental standard into curricula and research.
Real choices selecting an MBA programme
According to the ranking, a small but growing number of business schools are leading the charge in driving discussions of social and environmental issues into the core curriculum, which means prospective students have some real choices, when it comes to selecting an MBA programme.
Especially compared to research, CBS is doing well and is ranked as number 22 on the overall ranking.
Since 2002 CBS has hosted a centre researching this subject. The CBS Center for Corporate Social Responsibility was established to sustain the focus on new conditions for company activities in society surrounding questions of values, ethics and social responsibility. The centre works as a framework for a number of colleagues with different backgrounds, but with a shared interest in the study of values, ethics and responsibility as these concepts unfold in the practice of companies and society.
Strong international identity
CBS maintains close partnerships with the business community and has exchange agreements with more than 330 universities and business schools worldwide. In addition to the EQUIS accreditation, CBS is the Danish member of CEMS, Community of European Management Schools; which only accepts one university as a member from each European country. Furthermore, CBS is also a member of PIM, Partnership in International Management, a corresponding international consortium of prestigious business schools.