New promising effort to retain experienced foreign leaders in the country

Press Release about CBS Fulltime MBAs new cooperation with Adecco


Press Release: Copenhagen Business School offers its team of highly competent MBA students coaching and career advice from Adecco during their education in Denmark

Until now, a large portion of the students immediately returned to their countries of origin with their MBA diploma in hand, to the great frustration of Danish companies who are experiencing shortages in attracting highly competent leaders. CBS and Adecco´s special division Human Capital Solutions want to break this trend.

Obtaining their dream jobs

Adecco is Denmark´s largest provider of recruiting services. Adecco also has an attractive and broad network among Danish companies. This is one of the reasons that CBS chose Adecco as their cooperation partner.

Convinced about the breadth of the contact network

”Adecco har the tools to tailor their counselling to the students different needs, abilities and job desires. We feel confident in Adecco´s ability to place the graduates in interesting jobs in Denmark,” explains Per Guldbrandsen who is Copenhagen Business School´s Executive Director.

”Our joint goal is to get these experienced leaders to remain in the country to the benefit of the Danish business community,” confirms Merethe Morgen.

MBA finished in August

The students come from all over the world and already have leadership experience. With their MBA in hand, they are extremely attractive for many Danish companies. They will act like a breath of fresh outside air in the Danish companies who announce themselves ready to accept them,” concludes Merethe Morgen.

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  3. Read the press release online (in Danish)

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 05/08/2008