Short cut to quick translations

Gyldendal’s e-dictionaries on your desktop


Gyldendal has launched a “DesktopDictionary”

A small program creates a desktop shortcut enabling rapid access to 10 e-dictionaries and “Den Store Danske” (A Danish encyclopedia) without your having to open a browser to look up a word! A search box installed on your desktop makes several e-dictionaries readily accessible.

Download the program and read more about DesktopDictionary (Danish only!)

Dictionaries available:

  • Danish - English

  • English - Danish

  • Danish - French

  • French - Danish

  • Danish - German

  • German - Danish

  • Danish - Spanish

  • Spanish - Danish

  • Danish - Swedish

  • Swedish - Danish

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 11/24/2010