€1.2 million for political science research

Professor Leonard Seabrooke receives CBS’s first grant from the European Research Council


Leonard Seabrooke from the International Center for Business and Politics has now contracted the ’Professions in International Political Economies’ (PIPES) project with the European Research Council – Europe’s most prestigious funding agency.

The project investigates how professional actors, both private and public, compete with each other to provide solutions to policy problems for international economic and social problems. The grant – the first from the European Research Council for CBS – will employ a team of researchers working on areas of financial, environmental, health and capacity building governance.

EU Money for Younger Researchers

Leonard Seabrooke has just contracted a € 1.2 million grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for the ’Professions in International Political Economies’ (PIPES) project. The ERC ’Starting Grant’ is aimed at enhancing European research capacity by enabling early- and mid-career elite researchers to develop research teams.

The ERC has granted €580 million in total, and the recipient average age is 36 years old. Len Seabrooke, 36 years old, is the only researcher, who has received a grant for social science research at a Danish institution. In 2007, he was awarded the ‘Young Researcher’s Award’ by the Danish Council for Independent Research. Winning this ERC grant will permit him to enhance CBS’s research in international political economy and economic sociology.

Denmark in 7th place

Since 2007, the European Research Council has granted more than 1,000 grants, of which 18 are used at Danish research institutions. Measured in relation to population size, Denmark is number 7 in Europe.

At the moment, CBS is working on five applications for the 2011 granting.

The European Research Council (ERC)

Supports researcher-initiated within all academic areas. ERC has a total budget of 56 billion kroner in the period 2007-2013, and the projects are chosen in open competition - based solely on academic quality. The council consists of 22 acknowledged researchers from all over Europe.

The page was last edited by: Communications // 11/23/2010