New exam hall for 700 students

Hello to a secure exam and goodbye to carbon paper


Hello to a secure exam and goodbye to carbon paper

Soon the students won't have to bring their own computers and printers for exams. And the carbon paper will be history. This will become a reality when CBS gets its own exam hall in 2012.

The vision: Goodbye to paper and printing

New hall is located at Amager, close to the Øresund metro station, and there is room for more than 700 students. The first exams will take place in the hall during the spring and by the end of the year, all exams will take place in the hall.

- It is primarily about ensuring a safe exam. The students won't have to bring their own computers and printers any more. In that way, we can make sure that they only have access to relevant aids and software, says Wilbert van der Meer, Head of the Dean's Secretariat, Education.

In time, the examinations will become a 100 % digital, so that papers are given and submitted electronically.

Financial advantage

Wilbert van der Meer underlines that the new exam hall both has a logistic and a financial advantage.

- Until now, we have rented halls for exams. It requires transportation of tables, chairs and computers not to mention several teams of exam supervisors, since up to 700 students sit some of our exams. Now we have the opportunity to hold these exams in one hall, he says.

Until further notice, the rental period runs for 10 years.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/23/2011