CBS students won the ComCaseCompetition 2012

The winners of the ComCaseCompetition ’12 recommended Carlsberg to focus more on heritage than profit.


For 24 hours, 11 teams competed to solve a communication case for Carlsberg.  The teams came from eight different universities and consisted of students from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Austria, Latvia and Italy.

However, the local team from CBS with Kenneth Boje Andreassen, Grethe Fløe, Stine Møller Petersen, Lars Pallisgaard and Stine Vind won.

- We have all studied abroad, which has provided us with a basis to understand the international aspects in Carlsberg's challenge. Perhaps that is what separated us from the other finalists, because we more or less addressed the same problems, says Lars Pallisgaard from the winning team.

Carlsberg must forget about the profit

This year's case came from Carlsberg, who asked the students to come up with a new way for Carlsberg to rebrand itself internationally.  The case reflected a realistic communication challenge faced by the company on a daily basis. The theme was sustainable branding in a global world.

The winning team presented a bold solution to the case, in which they challenged Carlsberg's fundamental business strategy and suggested that Carlsberg focused more on the company's historical heritage than on growth. The winning team also found that Carlsberg and several of its subsidiaries have a long history, which is a significant strength. The solution was well thought out and achievable, for which reason the team won this year's competition, the jury stated.


The winning team

The winners were announced Thursday night and will now be looking forward to having dinner with Jørgen Buhl Rasmussen, CEO of Carlsberg.

The students come from three different programmes at CBS; MSc in Business Administration and Organisational  Communication, MSc in Economics & Business Administration, and MSc in Political Communication and Management.


The ComCaseCompetition is the leading case competition for master's students in communication in Scandinavia.

For 24 hours, 10 teams compete to solve a communication case set by the case company. Three finalists are selected to present in front of a jury consisting of experts from the business community and the academic environment.

ComCaseCompetition is held for the second time and organised by Dansk Kommunikationsforening (Danish Communication Association) and UngKom (Young Communicators) in collaboration with CBS.

Read more about the ComCaseCompetition

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 01/31/2012