Dr Achilleas Mitsos, The European Commission Director-General for Research, visits CBS

EU Research on Social Sciences and Humanities in the 7th Framework Programme - on June 22 from 10-12.30

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 - 10:00 to 12:30

June 22 from 10-12.30 in auditorium SP.s.03

This spring, the European Commission unveiled its visions for the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), which for a duration of seven years (2007 to 2013), and with a staggering 73 billion Euro budget proposes a structure based on four specific programmes: Cooperation, Ideas, People and Capacities.

Copenhagen Business School is hosting Dr. Achilleas Mitsos, The European Commission Director-General for Research, to present his reflections on the FP7 and the challenges and possibilities that it poses for European research on social sciences and humanities. We encourage the Danish research community to join us in this endeavour and engage in a dialogue with the Director-General. This dialogue is of the highest importance as the FP7 will set the agenda and bear far-reaching implications for the direction of European Research in the next decade.



10:05 -10:35

Key-Note Address by Dr Achilleas Mitsos the European Commission Research Director-General: the 7th Framework Programme and Research on Social Sciences and Humanities


Mr Finn Junge-Jensen, President of Copenhagen Business School: New Directions for Social Sciences and Humanities Research in a Business School Context




Mr René Bugge Bertramsen, Director-General for Universities, the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Development: Denmark?s Research Strategy


Professor Peter Maskell, Copenhagen Business School: Social Science Research in Action: DRUID (Danish Research Unit in Industrial Dynamics)- a network approach for quality enhancement and visibility


A discussion with the panel speakers


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/12/2012