Comparing Anaphors

Conference "Between Sentences, Texts and Languages"

Thursday, September 1, 2005 - 13:00 to Saturday, September 3, 2005 - 14:00

Between Sentences, Texts and Languages

Anaphors represent one of the chief means of creating coherence in texts, and as such anaphors have, for the last few decades, constituted the centre of attention for a wide range of linguistic studies, encompassing syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic approaches to sentences and to discourse. Lately, also cognitive and psycholinguistic methods and theories have cast light on the role of anaphors in processing texts.

But anaphors vary. They vary not only with respect to their linguistic form, stretching from zero over pronominal forms to definite and demonstrative descriptions. They also vary across languages, across texts, and across types of contexts and communications.        

This Symposium will address different linguistic approaches to anaphoric relations and their contribution to structuring texts, the overall approach being a comparative one. As it will appear from the following programme, the Symposium welcomes scholars from various linguistic disciplines and traditions, dealing with different languages and a variety of types of anaphors.

The Symposium is open to all colleagues and students interested in anaphors, in texts and in linguistics in general.

For further information and abstracts, please contact Iørn Korzen or Lita Lundquist

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