Networks and Institutions – Five guest lectures
Gurus, Hired Guns, and Warm Bodies
Guest lecture by Professor Steve Barley
Stephen R. Barley is the Charles M. Pigott Professor of Management Science and Engineering and the co-director of Center for Work, Technology and Organization at Stanford's School of Engineering. He has written extensively on the impact of new technologies on work, the organization of technical work and organizational culture, and is currently working on a multi-pronged study of contingent work among engineers and software developers in the Silicon Valley.
Steve Barley has been editor of the
Administrative Science Quarterly from 1993 to 1997 and has served on the editorial boards of
Academy of Management Journal,
The Journal of Management Studies and Organization Science.
Further information: Professor
Susse Georg, IOA.
The lecture is offered as part of the international Ph.D. course on ‘Institutions and Networks’ developed by colleagues at Stanford University and the Scandinavian Research Consortium on Organizational Research (