The Management of Rock Festivals as a Basis for Business Dynamics”
An example of the growing experience economy At the seminar Jon Sundbo will give us insight into his research on whether rock festival organizations can be drivers of local and/or regional business development. Rock festivals are one representation of the seemingly growing experience economy. The following research questions were established on the basis of an explorative case study: 1. Can rock festivals be the basis for the development of other industries, education, research and other activities in the local community or region and, if so, how? 2. Is there a particular management and organizational style related to rock festivals and, if so, is it imitated by other firms so that they can become more creative? The rock festivals’ role as innovators and business incubators has been investigated. One rock festival functions as a business incubator, the other one as the basis for an attempt to create a regional innovation system. It is concluded that they can be a basis for local or regional business development. Even though there is a general interest for the management and organizational style of the rock festivals it seems that it is not directly imitated by other firms.
The above is abstract from an article published in the international Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, vol. 4 no. 6, 2004, p. 587-611.