WiP seminar

Work-in-Progress seminar with Karin Strzeletz Ivertsen

Friday, May 6, 2011 - 13:30 to 15:30

Karin Strzeletz Ivertsen will give her second Work-in-Progress seminar entitled: ‘Making sense of interpretative flexibility in innovation projects: forming, breaking, or redefining the sociomaterial relations?’.

The seminar will be in English.

Opponent and chairperson: Associate Professor Signe Vikkelsø, Department of Organization, CBS

Opponent: Professor Kamal Munir, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

Supervisor: Professor Peter Karnøe, Department of Organization, CBS

Secondary supervisorAssistant Professor Jeroen Struben, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University

A week before the seminar takes place, Karin will distribute her seminar paper to all at the Department of Organization, the Doctoral School OMS and the opponents.

Everybody is welcome!

Best regards

Katja Høeg Tingleff 

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